Please pray for Gage

If you have been a reader of this blog for very long, you know about Gage.

He was treated for Ewing’s Sarcoma while Kennedy was in intensive treatment and we had the opportunity on more than one occasion to get to know him and his mom (and his dad sometimes) through being inpatient, the DTX and in the clinic. After successfully going in to remission, 6 months post treatment he was diagnosed with treatment induced AML (another form of leukemia than Kenne’s) was needed a bone marrow transplant. He again beat cancer and seemed to be doing well. However, today, during routine scans, a mass was found in the original location of his Ewing’s Sarcoma. This is NOT good. While there is a very slim possiblity it is benign, that is not likely. They are actually hoping that if it is cancerous, that it will be lymphoma (treatable by surgery and chemotherapy, right Devon?) and not a recurrence of Ewing’s which has a poor prognosis. Surgery will determine what the next step is.

Please join us in praying for Gage and his family and I encourage you to visit his website here.

Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to. ~George Seaton

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